The number of block confirmations on every cryptocurrency varies. Please check the list below to learn of the confirmations required for a transfer into your Koin wallet -
Bitcoin (2 block confirmations)
Litecoin (6 block confirmations)
Ethereum (24 block confirmations)
Ripple (no block confirmations)
Bitcoin Cash ABC (6 block confirmations)
Bitcoin Cash SV (6 block confirmations)
ERC20 tokens (20 block confirmations)
STELLAR (no block confirmations)
NEO (1 block confirmations)
GAS (1 block confirmations)
NANO (1 block confirmations)
TRON (75 block confirmations)
ONTOLOGY (6 block confirmations)
ACHAIN (6 block confirmations)
EOS (300 block confirmations)
Zcoin (6 block confirmations)
CYBER MILES (3 block confirmations)